Company Branded and Promotional Bikes

With a company bike and promotional bike FirmaPilen, fresh air and healthy heart activity become pure and rolling wellness when you run errands, cycle to meetings, or transport the boss to the train.

Company Bikes and Promotional Bikes

Pilen builds stylish company and promotional bikes for modern and environmentally conscious companies and organizations

A Positive Message

A well-designed company bike is eye-catching, highly visible, and reaches a broad audience with a positive message.

Cost-effective Branding

Compared to other marketing methods, company bikes can be very cost-effective with a good impact on the brand.

Sign and Brand Colour

Company bikes can be customized with the company's sign and brand colour. Contact is required to order a specific brand colour.

Available Bike Models for Company Bikes

Lyx Gents, Lyx Ladies, and EL1 can become company bikes. Choose from all of Pilen's paint options and components.

Design of the Promotional Sign

You provide the company's logo in PDF or EPS format. Alternatively, you can hire your own printer for the company bike sign.

Dimensions of the Promotional Sign

The promotional sign on the company bike is 40 cm wide at the top, 16 cm high, 24 cm wide at the bottom. Dimension drawing: dimension drawing PDF.

Specifications of the Promotional Plate

The promotional plate is 2 mm thick aluminium and can either be silver anodized or powder-coated in any colour.

Delivery Time for Company Bikes

Expect at least a few weeks' delivery time, depending on the season and the number of company and promotional bikes ordered.


Återförsäljare och privatpersoner kan använda prisberäknaren för att få prisuppgift på önskad modell som företagscykel.

Pilen bygger företagscyklar och reklamcyklar för moderna och miljömedvetna företag med skylt och er egen profilfärg. Med en fin företagscykel kan du framhäva ditt företag lite extra. Cykelmodellen Pilen Lyx utrustas med reklamplåt i 2 mm aluminium. Vi kallar modellen FirmaPilen. Reklamplåten kan fås silver­anodiserad eller pulverlackerad i önskad färg. Tre av våra cykelmodeller kan bli företagscyklar; Lyx, City dam och EL1. Välj fritt från alla Pilens lackeringsalternativ och utrusta cykeln med önskade komponenter. Vill du ha ditt eget företags profilfärg så kontakta oss så löser vi det. Räkna med några veckors leveranstid. För att få önskat utseende på reklamskylten kan ni skicka er logotyp (format PDF eller EPS) till oss så fixar vi skyltarna. Eller så kontaktar du din lokala tryckare eller använder företagets befintliga dekaler och reklammaterial. Skylten är 40 cm i överkant, 16 cm hög och 24 cm i underkant måttritning PDF. Återförsäljare och privatpersoner kan använda vår prisberäknare för ta reda priset för önskad modell som företagscykel.

Which Models Can Become Company Bikes?

Three of our models are ready to become company bikes. These are Pilen Lyx (ladies and gents) and Pilen EL1. Choose the model you like best or that most symbolizes your company.

Pilen EL1 Röd RAL 3002. Extrautrustad: Exklusivfärg helfärgad, creme ballongdäck. Atran frampakethållare. dubbelstöd Atran Moove, silverfälgar, Handtag Primergo Herrmans.


Pilen Cykel Lyx

Lyx dam

Pilen Lyx Svart RAL 9005.

Lyx herr

Company Bike or Benefit Bike

Company bike, promotional bike, employee bike, service bike, or benefit bike. We will clarify the terms so that it is easy for you to plan your company bike order.

Company Bike, Promotional Bike, Service Bike

A company bike may only be used by the company’s employees and customers during working hours. The bike should be stored at the company when not in use. The company purchases the bikes, and there are no pitfalls such as benefit taxation or similar, provided the bike is used exclusively for business purposes. If the bike is used outside working hours, it may be considered a benefit bike, which could have tax implications. Company bikes are often used as promotional bikes and pavement signs. With your logo on the sign and painted in the company’s brand colour, you highlight your company in a sympathetic and environmentally friendly way. Everyone likes nice bikes.

Benefit Bike Used Outside Working Hours

A benefit bike is purchased by the company and used by employees in their free time. The employee may pay for the benefit with a gross salary deduction or through other arrangements. The benefit value for a benefit bike is typically low as there are societal benefits in increased public health, environmental friendliness, and reduced emissions. The company can also choose to bear part of the monthly benefit taxation that the salary deduction entails for the employee. It is a nice gesture from the company to encourage more cycling. For specific details about tax implications and regulations, refer to your local tax authority’s website.

How to Get Your Company Bike

Call us at Pilen +46 (0)493  100 20 to work out the details. Preferably during the low season, so everything is ready for the cycling season. Private individuals can also get a nice sign where you can calligraph your favourite quote, paint hearts, or a greeting when giving a Pilen as a gift.

Call +46 (0)493 100 20 or send a message

Park the car – take the Pilen!

Contact Pilen

Contact us with your wishes regarding company bikes, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

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